Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh, yeah, we got racism

Clarín's Margarita García is visiting Mexico. For those of you who haven't run into her blog, Sudaquia, García has mastered the art of analyzing Latin America from its migrants' point of view. Sassy, witty and extremely clever, Colombian journalist García is based in Buenos Aires, so she mostly devotes her posts to Argentineans and la tierra de Soda Stereo y Gardel. However, she has also hit the road and reached out to Chile, Colombia and, now, México lindo y qué racista.
Please read her posts and, moreover, the comments left by their hundreds of loyal readers about Mexico and Mexicans. Many of them are loaded with stereotypes, from the glory of Mayas and Aztecas to the ubiquitous Frida and her pale Diego. But lots of them, too, go beyond and talk about those ugly things we Mexicans love to deny: our rampant racism, our wild gap between el niño del semáforo and Carlos Slim, and our love-hate relationship with el gabacho.

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